Who's watching Orange's TV Review
以前我顧著埋頭寫文章,9月時突然想搞清這個問題,申請Google Analytics來分析流量.經過短短一個月資料收集,雖然不能呈現這一年多來的真正面貌,但還是有幾分參考價值.
60% 台灣:其中68%台北、6%高雄…,但最令我訝異的是6%來自彰化員林…
20% 大陸內地: 其中50%北京、23%上海、6%廣東…
10% 香港
2% 美國:其中40%New York, 其他地區則很分散,倒是在維州的Alexandria一地包辦第三名
2% 英國:平均分散至以下地區:Huddersfield, Coventry, Coaliville, Newcastle Upon Tyne, Stanford Bishop
1% 法國
1% 加拿大:主要是在Vancouver,而且我已找到他的網站過去致意
1% 馬來西亞:以Kuala Lumpur為主
0.5% 智利:集中在二個地方:Santiago和Lquique.我最近常看到這二個地名,令人印象深刻.
39% 首頁:我之前都只用首頁URL來公告文章更新,所以首頁勝之不武
28% Sugar Rush:9/15之後才開始計算流量,當時Sugar Rush已經演完一個月,還可以有這麼高的瀏覽量,有點意外
14% Fingersmith:如果拉長時間來看,它不見得只有這個比例.因為它是吸引陌生訪客的關鍵
8% Bad Girls:正在成長中
6% The L Word無責任圖說: 我只寫了四篇短文,居然還超過Tipping The Velevet辛苦寫了一串專題,看來網路上對The L Word的需求若渴,我還是得找時間把寫了一部份的文章補完
4% Tipping The Velvet
45% Direct 直接聯結:由於6成是返回的舊訪客,可能多已經bookmark起來直接聯結
24% 薇珞與泰拉的魔法空間
10% google,yahoo搜尋
4% Orange's Cinema
4% 伊甸園國外連續劇交流站:在Sugar Rush II 播映期間,我曾在此通告內容更新.
2% 阿朗Lang的薯田:不小心在留言區留下網址
2% Blogger
50% 用fingersmith相關字眼,包含使用elaine Cassidy, Maud
32% sugar rush相關字眼,包含使用kim, saint,
6% orange's tv review
5% bad girls
4% tipping the velvet
67% 10秒以內
8% 10秒-1分鐘以內
14% 1分鐘-3分鐘以內
9% 10分鐘-30分鐘以內
3% 30分鐘以上
以前我顧著埋頭寫文章,9月時突然想搞清這個問題,申請Google Analytics來分析流量.經過短短一個月資料收集,雖然不能呈現這一年多來的真正面貌,但還是有幾分參考價值.
60% 台灣:其中68%台北、6%高雄…,但最令我訝異的是6%來自彰化員林…
20% 大陸內地: 其中50%北京、23%上海、6%廣東…
10% 香港
2% 美國:其中40%New York, 其他地區則很分散,倒是在維州的Alexandria一地包辦第三名
2% 英國:平均分散至以下地區:Huddersfield, Coventry, Coaliville, Newcastle Upon Tyne, Stanford Bishop
1% 法國
1% 加拿大:主要是在Vancouver,而且我已找到他的網站過去致意
1% 馬來西亞:以Kuala Lumpur為主
0.5% 智利:集中在二個地方:Santiago和Lquique.我最近常看到這二個地名,令人印象深刻.
39% 首頁:我之前都只用首頁URL來公告文章更新,所以首頁勝之不武
28% Sugar Rush:9/15之後才開始計算流量,當時Sugar Rush已經演完一個月,還可以有這麼高的瀏覽量,有點意外
14% Fingersmith:如果拉長時間來看,它不見得只有這個比例.因為它是吸引陌生訪客的關鍵
8% Bad Girls:正在成長中
6% The L Word無責任圖說: 我只寫了四篇短文,居然還超過Tipping The Velevet辛苦寫了一串專題,看來網路上對The L Word的需求若渴,我還是得找時間把寫了一部份的文章補完
4% Tipping The Velvet
45% Direct 直接聯結:由於6成是返回的舊訪客,可能多已經bookmark起來直接聯結
24% 薇珞與泰拉的魔法空間
10% google,yahoo搜尋
4% Orange's Cinema
4% 伊甸園國外連續劇交流站:在Sugar Rush II 播映期間,我曾在此通告內容更新.
2% 阿朗Lang的薯田:不小心在留言區留下網址
2% Blogger
50% 用fingersmith相關字眼,包含使用elaine Cassidy, Maud
32% sugar rush相關字眼,包含使用kim, saint,
6% orange's tv review
5% bad girls
4% tipping the velvet
67% 10秒以內
8% 10秒-1分鐘以內
14% 1分鐘-3分鐘以內
9% 10分鐘-30分鐘以內
3% 30分鐘以上
haha. count me in the 23% of viewers.
I watched the 2 seasons of Sugar Rush and love this show a lot!!! so hilarious and compact.(although, honestly, I'm never in to those leading actresses.)
BBC tvshows just never fail me:)
Anonymous, at 11:47 PM, October 16, 2006
Welcome a friend from Shanghai. And glad to know you that you might enjoy the content regarding Sugar Rush. Hope you like what we are doing with Bad Girls. (with the help of two friends)
You amazed me. How come you know this article? I just posted it yesterday and didn't make any announcement yet.
Just visited Fishee.com. It's interesting to know what it's like to work in multinational company over there. It's the same. You work with Chinese who just can speak English.
Anyway, have fun!
Anonymous, at 8:24 PM, October 17, 2006
i'm quite impressed in your website.
It's really clear to introduce the TV and movie which are related Les issue.
i really love your website, but i just wonder how come Australia doen't show up in the bowsing list.
i just want let you know you have the fans in Australia (Brisbane).
Keep going
Anonymous, at 7:58 AM, October 18, 2006
To erica from Brisbane,
Of cos it won't be south of nowhere, it has to be south of somewhere.
According to the data, Australia is top 12, follows Germany and Macau. Northgate is the majority. Is that city you coming from?
Other than this, Rhodes and Eastwood in New South Wales are on the chart.
Keep coming back and enjoy reading.
Orange, at 11:16 AM, October 18, 2006
Dear Orange
Birsbane is in Queensland, quite near Gold Coast.
Brisbane is the third biggest city in Australia. here has the most beautiful beach, but the worst entertainment.
So i'm really glad that u set up the website.
Anonymous, at 11:50 AM, October 18, 2006
Dear erica,
I have been Gold Coast once. Spectacular beach. but worst entertainment? It depends. But I think I know what you mean. I'll do my best to entertain all visitors.
Orange, at 2:14 PM, October 18, 2006
PS 怎么看大家都在说英语?不会汉字显示乱码吧?
Anonymous, at 8:21 PM, October 21, 2006
Dear icy,
2%? 反正是英文區了?
Orange, at 12:21 PM, October 22, 2006
有个网站关于badgirls的 上面的episode guides 挺好的东东
PS 如果你已经知道了 那。。。就。。。。
Anonymous, at 8:21 AM, November 06, 2006
很開心找到同樣喜愛Bad Girls的朋友!在台灣,Bad Girls真不如the L Word為人所知,很開心Orange願意花時間介紹這部值得一看再看的影集。
最初從AfterEllen讀到Bad Girls的簡介就下載了series 1,但最終還是從Amazon UK ordered了series 1-3,主要是太迷Nikki和Helen,尤其愛看他們倆分分合合。這部影集我個人認為比the L Word還要值得回味,百看不厭。the L Word不知怎地,Season 2 and Season 3我頂多看一遍,再看就沒什麼滋味。
最近好容易從癡迷Mandana Jones及Simone Lahbib不能自拔的地步中恢復神智,目光隨即盯上Tipping the Velvet裡飾演Florence的Jodhi May(天,她真是楚楚動人!尤其是那對水汪汪的大眼睛...)。想查詢是否有the Night Watch的中譯本沒想到逛到Orange這來!從此我會常來逛逛。
Anonymous, at 12:31 AM, January 02, 2007
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